10.09.2024 18:17
The shipment is in transit to DHL
01.09.2024 18:49
Delivery to local courier
Airport City, Israel
23.08.2024 19:21
The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically
14.08.2024 19:53
Departed from [Huizhou city city district city business operational department], next stop [Guangzhou international]
Aligarh ICH
05.08.2024 20:25
Yanwen Pickup scan
27.07.2024 20:57
Arrive at destination country
Ulhasnagar 2 S.O (Beat Number:10)
18.07.2024 21:29
Hand over to airline
Centro de Tratamento Porto (Perafita)
09.07.2024 22:01
Departed from [Beijing international mail exchange station], next stop [Beijing mail terminal transportation ]
Province international Huadiwan operational department, Guangzhou
30.06.2024 22:33
Item dispatched
21.06.2024 23:05
Post office collection
12.06.2024 23:37
Item returned from Customs (import)
04.06.2024 00:09
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
26.05.2024 00:41
[Guangzhou international mail exchange station] returned
Dongguan international operational department, Dongguan
17.05.2024 01:13
Processed Through Facility
Hangzhou international mail exchange station, Hangzhou city
08.05.2024 01:45
The item is ready for shipment
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
29.04.2024 02:17
Scheduled for Delivery
Tracking numbers examples: